
The TracVac consortium consists of four internationally recognized research institutions across Europe.

Center for Vaccine Research, Statens Serum Institut (SSI), Ministry of Health, Denmark

Statens Serum Institut (SSI) is a public health institute, within the Ministry of Health in Denmark. SSI aims to ensure advanced control of infectious diseases, including new infectious and biological threats. The Institute also strives to be a highly regarded and recognized international research and service enterprise. The Center for Vaccine Research consists of three departments: The Department of Infectious Disease Immunology, The Department of Vaccine Development and The Department for Quality Assurance and Quality Control. The Department of Infectious Disease Immunology is a leading partner in European & North American vaccine collaborations e.g., EDCTP, EU Framework programs, AERAS and the Gates Foundation. The Department of Vaccine Development is internationally recognized for its vaccine development and clinical pipeline.

Key personnel involved from CVR:

  • Peter Andersen: Executive Vice President, CVR, Infectious Disease Immunology
  • Frank Follmann: Director of Infectious Disease Immunology
  • Ingrid Kromann: Director of Vaccine Development
  • Jes Dietrich: Senior Researcher, Infectious Disease Immunology
  • Grith Krøyer Wood: Head of Section, Vaccine Development
  • Anja Olsen: Senior Researcher, Infectious Disease Immunology
  • Ida Rosenkrands: Senior Researcher, Infectious Disease Immunology

London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (LSHTM) is a world-leading centre for research and postgraduate education in public and global health. The LSHTM is host to The Vaccine Centre which is a cross faculty centre consisting of >100 scientists that aims to improve human and animal health through vaccination. LSHTM strength in trachoma is well renowned through The International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH) and the trachoma research group hosted by the Clinical Research Department at LSHTM. ICEH is a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for the Prevention of Blindness and a global leader in the field of eye research in low- and middle income countries. The trachoma research group is a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians, ophthalmologists, immunologists, microbiologists and geneticists

Key personnel involved from LSHTM:

  • Helen Fletcher, Associate Professor in Immunology and Director, TB Centre
  • Martin Holland, Professor of Microbial Immunity
  • Matthew Burton, Professor of International Eye Health
  • Tamsyn Derrick, Research Fellow of Immunology
  • Harry Pickering, Research Fellow

Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

The Fundamental Research Directorate is in charge of health research and related technologies and includes the Institute of Emerging Diseases and Innovative Therapies (iMETI), hosting the department of “immunology of viral infections and autoimmune diseases” (IMVA) headed by Dr. Roger Le Grand. Since 2012, the CEA is the coordinator of a newly funded French research infrastructure: the “infectious diseases models for innovative therapies infrastructure” (IDMIT; gathering core facilities and complementary expertise dedicated to pre-clinical studies of innovative preventive and therapeutic strategies to cure infectious diseases. IDMIT/IMVA has strong expertise and skills in pathogenesis, treatment and prevention (microbicides, pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis), including vaccines, for human infectious diseases, particularly through its contribution to the development of NHP models for HIV/AIDS, Flu, chikungunya virus, dengue virus, malaria, Ebola, Pertussis, Chlamydia infections. IDMIT/IMVA has been partner of several European collaborative projects in FP5 to H2020 dedicated to prevention of infectious diseases like AVIP, EMPRO, Munanovac, EPIVAC, NGIN, EuroNeut-41, NoE Europrise, ICRES, CHAARM, MOTIF, AIM-HIV, BioVacSafe, ADITEC, EAVI2020, EHVA, EBOVAC. The IDMIT infrastructure gathers core facilities and expertise dedicated to pre-clinical studies of preventive and therapeutic strategies for infectious diseases.

Key personnel involved from CEA:

  • Dr. Roger Le Grand, Head of Department of Immuno-Virology of the Institute of Emerging Diseases and Innovative Therapies (iMETI)
  • Dr. Nathalie Dereuddre-Bosquet, title and department
  • Dr. Christophe Joubert, title, department
  • Dr. Cathrine Chapon, title, department
  • Dr. Isabelle MANGEOT-Méderlé, title, department

Imperial College London

Imperial College London (Imperial). Consistently rated amongst the world's best universities, Imperial College London is a science- based institution with a reputation for excellence in teaching and research that attracts 14,000 students and 6,000 staff of the highest international quality. Innovative research at the College explores the interface between science, medicine, engineering and business, delivering practical solutions that improve quality of life and the environment - underpinned by a dynamic enterprise culture. The Department of Medicine at Imperial College is one of the largest teaching and research organizations in the UK, with a reputation for excellence and a vibrant and international working community. Clinical trial NIHR/Wellcome Trust Imperial Clinical Research Facility (CRF) at the Hammersmith Hospital. This unit is designated as the CRF for experimental medicine studies in Hammersmith Hospital and the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHNT).

Key personnel involved from Imperial:

  • Robin Shattock, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine
  • David Lewis, Professor, Head of clinical Operations, Imperial CRF
  • Sonya Abraham, Senior Research Physician, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine